Ried Bernthal
„They can be proud of the wines of the last few years“
VINARIA, Austria’s magazine for wine culture
Our Ried Bernthal 2019 is awarded the highest rating of 5 stars in the "Grüner Veltliner Premium" tasting in the wine magazine Vinaria and makes it into the TOP 8 in Austria.
Notes of the tasting jury (in german):
„Getrocknete Kräuter, kühle Frische, Eiszuckerl, Ringlotten, bisschen Quitte, karamellige Note, Vanille, mineralischer Grip; aromatische Fruchtsüße, Südfrüchte, Oliven, Weißbrot, Oliven, hinten viel würziges Toasting und Gerbstoff, kompakt, kraftvoll im Finale.